insane kansas home

the ripped wing of a pigeon
on the driveway leading to her house ..

exhausted enough by what time
couldn't do for it anymore
and her boy traipsing down the front
steps talking in 4-year-old gibberish about
his sore 'froap' ..

no need for syrups or at-home remedies,
he was ready to see the insane
man in Kansas that did up his home
to a fucking 't' for the Christmas holiday ..

some crazy man with a flair for holiday hobbies
turned his house into an amusement park ..

a viable American smorgasbord
and novelty that had people lined up and down the block to
partake in the holiday ..

people were throwing nickels,
ones and fives through an open window to support the cause

where I think a simple pigeon
wing would
have meant more
for the holiday man ..