flat fucking fresh

if there's anything fresher than
a brightly lit
gessoed canvass
probably the duck's wing before it hits the water first thing in the morning,
a woman's nipple right after she gets out of the shower,
a grape coming down the California production line into the crate,
a new ticket from the Parisian attendant laid gingerly into your paid hands,
a bottle of soap in the hands of a construction worker looking for a bottle of cold suds,
a philosophy that doesn't have to prove anything but the non-existence of proof,
a jazz tom being hit over and over and over and over and over and over,
the first cough in a subway packed with people going to Piccadilly Circus,
when your body begins a hard lean after leaping up off the airport runway,
a drink of water when all you wanted was a drink of water,
that first bite into a pork chop when all you've been eating lately is cereal,
the sound of a rock hitting the windshield as the
another large
the canvass

fuck up
paint ..