his somewhere séance

We came off the trip of specifics to expand on the abstract.

So vague that people around would pull hair out of their
hands for the abstract thoughts that will be spilled forward.

"I met this person somewhere and we started to talk about
something that happened sometime in this place at some time.
It was real nice and we had this drink then ate some swell food
and headed down some street to see someone else."

They spoke this way because the specifics had some damned horrible way of making mud out of a clear spring and made fellow faces contort at parts that were hardly understood.

This way the misunderstanding or elongated blanks
in conversations
weren't so hard to take.

In fact, after a while it became an enjoyable activity to engage in.

It became a fad.

Books would go on for hundreds of pages without being
specific about anything, although the stand-by subjects of
love - war - deceit - excitement - despair remained clear as day.

Politicians and music people began to talk and sing in generalities.

Everyone started to do this - it was seen as a natural high.

No one had to know too much about anyone or anything.

There was no excuse for forgetting or fucking-up things
on a regular basis even for the most absent minded person.

It was much about something that went on in a grand place
on a land in a country that became specific in some way
that somehow and sometime made some sense somewhere.

See where we're going on this somewhere séance.