And Listen To Her Smile

Hazy punks - greasy bastards - flowery dames - needful plays - hearts in a chain -
no claim for they - the group buying a pack - the pauper adopting a sage - a high rise exploded in eastern city at 7:14AM Mountain time - the shirt has shrunk in dryer sheets.

Tighter necklaces - lost rings - the dish soap has run low - the orange cones look
yellow - holes on the floor - creases in the ceiling - yard birds with no throats - ferrets with ID tags in zoo rocks - the Avenger sued a comic book company - dollars were called genocide -
the beetles in bugs were blacker that the crickets - teachers had professors- students gave birth to Senators - hindrance was the ritual in France as Scandinavian blood - drank a glass of water in my black chair - the sane never knew their ailments outside doctor's doors -
as they looked at the door and nurses fed their own mouths wooden sticks for some secluded pleasure - beaten embroideries -
my taste buds can't handle either tea or olives-
the time is easier to watch than to feel when you really think about time - a book is full of words until read - meats are desirable though I never smelt or lived in parts of Iowa or southern Kansas for too long-
this Ferdinand Celine novel is better digested in incremental chunks-
88 cent mugs - 23 cent towels - the price was easier than the purchase - clumps of dust in the trash containers - wallets wait for a sturdy blow of breath - Aztec designs on my blanketed knee - old shows & sequels never die - one billion dollars for a warehouse of fine crab legs -
toilet paper is a gift - legs on me, on chairs, on tables, on insects, on mammals - the legs do have movement - songs that don't die - those that do - the 1990's are now 2 years from the next century of hype - computers can crash - I saw a car on I-70 flipped on its top - jungles that rain on the Discovery channel - Easter candy eaten before Christmas Eve - toads are like frogs - scorpions sting - paint on many pairs of my slacks can be worn with denim shirts - a twenty dollar bill that extinguished a flame - went to the fifty dollar bill next -
traffic light music had its own sort of glean - he talked to him about her as he thought of her talking to them while she really thought of the others - bubble gum in machines & on the bottom of shoes - the chocolate bar and coke cap ran through the dryer some time back - I cleaned the snot out of my apartment today - the cats will usually come back -
7-UP never had the sting of Ginger Ale - the Holy Grail was never as pictured as Muhammad Ali - they cussed as they pleased -he asked the girl & said please.

If I had a desire in a plummeting plane in the last minutes . . .
it would be to kiss a small black girl's forehead & listen to her smile.