
Orange light blink,
Orange lights refract.

Orange light above KS,
Orange in her pants,
Orange on wheels,
Orange in a ruined train car,
Orange in what they say,
Orange is somewhere out there on the ground,
Orange in the grounds of my used coffee,
Orange in a long lost tint of the settled sky,
Orange in her nipples that rise like water boiling with the fury of pasta,
Orange in another terrible movie,
Orange in the trail of mud across a new showroom floor,
Orange in a blitz of 6 billion souls,
Orange in soup I will order some time next week,
Orange in a street light that just went out,
Orange in a baby's poop,
Orange in the rain cloud that gave birth to twins,
Orange in her phone number,
Orange in the ripple of abstract waves weaved on a bright carpeted wall before me now,
Orange in a reason,
Orange abandoned the white wine,
Orange in my piss,
Orange lost in the farmer's pond frozen over as I fly back t oKC for the coldest day yet this year .. 

In the oranges.