Oh so 

Rock and roll
In a shoe box,
Gum stuck in the laces
Of his only pair of top siders,
The low siders go strollin' 
Down winter's last day's of pissin' rain,
Bread getting singed by the sun's smile
On a mild window ledge in Memphis, TN,
She got a tattoo of a salad bowl on her upper left arm
Before she decided years later that steak was
Actually a cut she could sink her petite little teeth into.
Dogs wondering where humans came from
& why the hole beneath their nose
Moves and makes so much noise,
Trash men of morning going up and down
Polished boulevards with mouths watering
For a hot cup of coffee .. knowing their children will 
Likely do something that has nothing to do with trash,
Droplets of frozen water
Hanging from thin branches
Of an afternoon tree as 
City hammers pound,
Morning men sing of their luscious women
And the ladies with their grins
Pull panty hose sagging on their ankles
Brush off a 
Piece of sweat hanging
Above their 
