truth's tenth tenth  

It looks
Like what it is 
Because that's what it is .. 

It feels the way it does
It feels .. 

It smells the way it would 
Because that's
What is seems .. 

If it drinks
Going to hit your belly .. 

If it laughs,
You're in good shape .. 

If it shakes,
Hope it smells good.

If it crawls,
You may not be going out tonight .. 

If it breaths,
It could be anything .. 

If it needs,
It's an animal of some sort .. 

If it listens,
Done more than one thing right .. 

If it's music,
It has to be right .. 

If it here
It could
If it's around
In may be present,
If it's then
It may happen .. 

Remember though,
Truth is 
Ten 10th's the law.