on the edge of history,
they say,
repeal death,
support life,
make a bomb,
drop your pants,
give up on pills,
drink till your ill,
you are the only one with a pen,
give your eraser to a trash bin,
we are on the perch of history,
follow a bullet,
listen to an elephant's heart beat,
crack open a can of spray paint and listen to the whistle,
cut down the pine,
plant a pear tree,
leak the story,
piss in the coffee can,
you are history,
you are the dolls in the back room that don't move,
you are the one's that are obedient,
you follow directions,
we are on the girth of big history,
you don't ask questions of your elected,
you only turn on the TV,
you are good at watching TV,
you are also good at walking away,
here in comfort,
at least America is safe,
speak the bomb,
speak the bomb,
cause the contract for more will be a CEO's comfortable Cadillac,
keep following that round of bullets,
are history,
we are history,
I am history ..

(oh men)