eddie’s chicken

the boys in the
dorms couldn't stand it ..

maybe there was another
dead body going through decomposition in
one of the rooms ..

a helluva stench,
they had it zeroed in on the second of three floors,
but the smell was so fucked
they couldn't pinpoint which door it was ..

one of the guy's calls in the cops,
ambulance to take a look ..

they come in,
and go right on up to Eddie's door ..

they open it,
Eddie's not there ..

the stench is unbelievable,
they go to the foil on the radiator,
an old school style gravity heat radiator
pull the foil back ..

it's a full chicken ..

a rotting full chicken
that Eddie later told the authorities
he was trying to cook ..

he slept through the smell,
walked through the smell,
didn't do a thing about the smell ..

a storymaker
with the chicken,
a storymaker with the ladies

something the papers
could only hope to get in touch with ..

this chicken wing is for you,
bone and all ..