morning beacon

old soldier,
powder gray suit,
pink button up,
suitcase with an AAA sticker on the side,
waving to the repair truck
while crossing the intersection,
looses the cuffs a bit,
thinks about how
much easier this life was before the introduction
of the computer,
bad pop
and the slow roasting home cookers ..

he's an old fashioned sort,
behind the smile on his flanks
goin up the hill,
he has an earful for you on how the old days worked,
how today doesn't need someone like
to sell their shit ..

he'll just keep collecting the government checks,
a bit of pity pension,
take down a whore or two a month,
swill some good booze
and let the world ride right on into the next
or century ..

no thanks,
he thinks as he waves to the cabby at the next corner up the block,
he's going to keep walking
it ..