7:23 - 7:32 p.m.

the time - 7:23 p.m.

snap a shot of this moment,
the next time it will arrive .. you'll be asleep.

Living another life-

Loving a former flame
Visiting the deceased
Jumping from one building to the other
Eating fire
Performing cosmetic surgery on a doctor
Swimming in a pool of Chablis
Shouting an Indian chant naked in an Arizona field
Eating lady bugs with your future child
Launching a land rocket into a Scandinavian hut
Listening to a band that performs on instruments made of tin foil
Writing your last request to a firing squad that cannot hear your voice
Dieting on green pills and Jell-O-O
Ignoring a demon offering you a plate of refried beans
Beating your chest like an ape because you are an ape
Having sex in an art gallery with your 7th grade art teacher
Smoking a cigarette as your airplane begins a nosedive towards earth
Digging up a 5-million-year-old hominid throwing creationism into havoc
Listening to Mozart alive before your eyes
Landing a gas propelled airplane on Mars
Living in a bubble of plastic because people disgust you
Getting a wad of gum stuck in your throat and surviving the CPR procedure
Reincarnated as a mountain in Switzerland
Curing racism with a new anisette mixture

The time-
7:32 p.m.,
ending this poem.

Can't wait to fall asleep
t o n i g h t.