Podcasts are not scary. In fact, they are just
like you and me. They merely want to be heard.
You can play these on your approved computer media player or download it to an
iPod or MP3 player.
All files are MP3's for your continued comfort and enjoyment. Cheers ..
Bird Bath -
Froggy Jump -
Paper Pup -
Cereal Safety -
Ants on Ice
Building 101 -
Cellphone City -
CoCoCoCoNuts -
GoGo Green
Grumpy Grass -
Safety -
Bottlecap Buddy -
March 25 2006
Zen & Miles Discuss Crackers -
Snapple Papple -
Volcanic Blah Blah -
Wendy's Weather
What Zen & Molly Want For Their Birthday
The First Zen & Molly Podcast
Zen's Opinion of Monday's -
Zen Rescue's the Blue Ball over the Fence
Zen's Thoughts on Sound Bytes -
Cottage Cheese to the Rescue
Zen Interviews Darth Vader -
Zen Vader Exclusive Interview 1 -
Zen Vader Exclusive Interview 2
Zen's 8th Birthday Reflection -
Zen & Charlie's Plan -
Zen, Luke, Charlie & Zach
Zen Talks about Cyber Birds & No More School
Zen, Ed, Edd & Eddy -
Zen's Home of Imaginary Friends
chawawa -
Smash Eye -
on the 3rd Grade -
Ending Unlawful Slug Deaths
Zen, Luke and Molly Pod in Sept. 2006 -
Zen &
Colby Discuss Line Rider & Halloween
Zen Enters
the New World of Instant Messaging -
Eternal Podcast -
Zen & Joe Discuss Ouijia Hewig
Lime Green Truck -
Zen's Whale-Beep-Whistle -
Discusses Recent Discipline Issues
Zen & The
Babysitter -
Zen & Luke Discuss Paradise Park
Forgets What He Wrote to Win an Essay Contest!
Dexter, The
Guinea Pig, Has His First Interview Ever -
Dexter Plays the Ukulele with Zen's Help
First Pod in His New Room with a New Microphone of his Own
Zen and Molly Show Ibraham How Pods Work -
Molly H's
Solo Pod
Zen's Sunday Poop Podcast -
Zen &
Molly Discuss the Magic of ALF
Zen Gets Interviewed about Miles and the Autism Spectrum
Zen Interviews Dad About His Life on May 29, 2007
First Pre-Fourth Grade Podcast on August 20, 2007
Zen and Dad Talk Wii, Fire and Nonsense - January 8, 2008
Zen and Dad's First Pod on the Mac - August 28, 2008
Zen and Dad Chat on 12.23.08 -
Zen and Miles on Cereal - Feb. 27, 2009
Zen Discusses His Concussion Incident from April 28th,
Zen Discusses the end of 5th Grade with Quinton and Miles
- May 28, 2009
Last Day of 5th Grade - The Botched Video Mac Pod on may
28, 2009
Zen Karate Camp Excursion in September 2009
Zen & Quinton Discuss What is Hip these Days - 1.15.2010
Miles and Zen Morning on Typing and Getting Ready for a
Day - 1.21.2010
Zen and Dalton Sneaky Pod - 2.3.2010 -
1st Official Podcast on iTouch Mic with Zen - Early 2010
Secret Podcast Hour with Tyler on 3.13.2010 -
12th Birthday Post-Paintball Talk - 4.11.2010
Tyler Talks about Girls with Zen - 4-11-2010 -
The Karate Trophy Weekend Refleciton - April 23-25, 2010
The Zen Bat Smash Eye - 5.25.2010 -
Zen is Going to Florida in 2010 -
Zen Talks about Miles on 6-12-2010
Zen talks about lawnmower paper destruction on 6-29-2010
Summer 2011 Family Podcast Recap -
First Day of 8th Grade / Miles 1st Grade - 8.17.11
Zen Teryn Anniversay Pod - 6 Mos. -
Zen & Teryn Late Night Talk 1-4-13