The Donkey 'Ebenezer' Story - October 30, 2006
Shortly after starting my new job with the Grandview School District, I was going to all schools as an IT Technician. One particular school sent me down a country road replete with pastures and anonymous fields. In one of these fields resided our beloved 'donkey'. Every time I went by him for the first several months, I wanted to get out and commune with my beloved jackass. Figuring I reside in the same family, we would have a lot of jackass moments to share together. One day I stopped, and the bond was galvanized. Now, I get bags of carrots and we go by as a family and stuff the donkey full of goodness. We are not sure who owns the donkey and how he subsists the way he does, but we have adopted this gentle beast as our own.

Zen boy has affectionately named him 'Jack' and that name has floated here and there on visits. Overall, we just refer to him as 'donkey' and go on our way.

Enjoy the adopted donkey portal.